

TO ALL TOWN RESIDENTS: If your unable to get broadband you can now get it thru Ethoplex Internet Service or Bertram Wireless

ETHOPLEX INTERNET SERVICE: A broadband option would be Ethoplex (Signal is their residential product name). You can contact them at 262-252-9000 and tell them you are with the Town of Germantown.
You can call Krista (Bertram Wireless) at 920-994-2388 and tell her you are with the Town of Germantown and she can send you information on their Services or a Service Tech., if you need one. Below are some pricing for Bertram Wireless.


Heating bills a struggle? Applying for the Wisconsin Home Energy Plus program is the answer!

The WHEAP program runs from October 1st through May 15th each heating season. The program offers a one time payment per household, per heating season to assist with your utility cost.

All applicants must meet the income eligibility limits. Example, the income limit for a single person is $2,181 per month. The income limit for a couple is $2,852 per month. The size of the benefit will depend on household size, income and heating costs. Assistance is available whether you heat your home with wood, fuel oil, propane, natural gas or electricity. The payment generally is sent directly to the energy provider.

The WHEAP program also partners with the Weatherization Program and may be able to provide assistance if your furnace should break down during the season. This is a program available to you at NO cost. The Weatherization Program will also offer an evaluation of your home to help you reduce your energy costs. If you chose to participate in the Weatherization Program, a representative from Weatherization will contact you to do an audit of your home. Once the audit is complete, you may be eligible for assistance in the form of air sealing, insulating and repair/replacement of mechanicals such as water heaters, furnaces and ventilation fans.

Energy Assistance appoints will be offered in West Bend, Germantown, Hartford and Jackson.

Contact your local Home Energy Plus Agency at (866) 432-8947 for more information or to apply for assistance or go to homeenergyplus.wi.gov.